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Writer's pictureA Lady in Defiance

AT LIBERTY TO LOVE by Caryl McAdoo Guest Post and #BookGiveaway #LadiesInDefiance

A big ‘Howdy’ and ‘Welcome’ to Caryl McAdoo. She just completed her SEVENTH volume in her Texas Romance series! CONGRATS! She shares a little about all seven stories and has an awesome giveaway to share as well. I asked her the question: “How was one of your book heroines, “A Lady in Defiance” of the times or circumstances in which she lived?” … and she answered!


Please check out the other giveaways going on at my site ———————————->


As I considered my heroines for this guest post…one by one…I realized any of them would do. Sue, the widow for ten years, determined to get a fair price on her first decent crop. (book one VOW UNBROKEN, 1832) Sassy, whose defiance got her captured by Comanche, seemingly lost forever to her family. (book 2 HEARTS STOLEN, 1839-44)


May was quite the disrupter of recognized decorum for a New York socialite with her successful writing career and faithful manservant, taking off for Texas indeed! What was she thinking? (book three HOPE REBORN, 1850) And Mary Rachel might have been the most defiant, running off to marry a man her father didn’t approve of and called a boy. (book four SINS OF THE MOTHER, 1851-52)

Her sisters, Gwendolyn and Cecelia—perhaps the least defiant of my Texas Romance family saga series—had seen what Mary Rachel’s rebellion had done to their father and vowed not to repeat it, but then he got all protective when they came of courting age, testing their resolve. (book five DAUGHTERS OF THE HEART, 1853-54)

Lacey Rose had always been the perfect daughter…until her true love was leaving for war, and her one act of defiance…a simple goodbye kiss, set off a string of defiances that almost ruined her life. (book six JUST KIN, 1861-65)  Which brings us to dear Rebecca, freshly widowed by the Civil War had to create a new plan for her life. Against the counsels of her father and brothers, she sets out alone to travel almost three thousand miles and intends to adopt an orphan as a single woman. (book seven AT LIBERTY TO LOVE, 1865-66)

And of course, they are all a part of me as I’ve never been one to stay in ‘my place’. Often the only woman on a sales team of twenty or thousands, I usually made a name for myself; my last career being in the asphalt and concrete business, where I eventually started my own company.

I believe that being a defiant lady against what society says a woman is to do—or should not do–is a good quality. I reveled when Elizabeth Taylor rode and won the race in National Velvet. I was a firstborn and think that played a part in my personal defiance of being held back.

But equally as important…if not more…is a woman’s complete submission before God Who loves His daughters beyond measure. I strive with all that I am to please Him and bring Him honor and glory. And then thank Him when He opens the doors and sends His favor ahead of me as I blaze new trails for myself and all females through my ladies of the Texas Romances.

Oh, and there are the contemporary Red River Romance heroines and the Apple Orchard Romance women. Can’t forget those!

So, in the end, in many ways, I am defiant as are my characters, but against traditions of men, not those in true authority over me, believing they are placed there by God for my good.

at liberty to love

Obedience is better than sacrifice…and trumps romance, no matter how sweet.

Profound loneliness propels a childless widow west with the idea of choosing an orphan to share her life. On the way, a fellow traveler takes her by surprise. She never dreams, is unprepared, doesn’t need another man, but can’t get him out of her head…or heart. He’s so perfect—every bit the one she’d searched for as a young woman—except his mistrust of God has erected a wall she cannot breach. Marcus Ford blames God and struggles for peace after losing his wife and baby. Not once has he considered another woman could be the answer, but the widow is like none other he’s ever met. He falls hard, but plans are taking him east. Hope dashed sends two hearts into the pit. If only Ford could forgive God or the widow ease up on her adamant resolve.

Will God’s mercy shine a beacon in the fog of despair and prove sufficient to heal their souls?

The Giveaway

Thank you so much Caryl, and as a bonus, she has offered to giveaway:

  1. TWO copies of Vow Unbroken (Book 1 in the series) to two lucky US winners and

  2. TWO copies of At Liberty to Love to two lucky winners. A US winner will have a choice of paperback or e-copy and an international winner will receive an e-copy.

THAT’S FOUR WINNERS TOTAL!!! Enter through the TWO Rafflecopters below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway (Vow Unbroken)

a Rafflecopter giveaway (At Liberty to Love)

The giveaways will run through June 17, 2016 and the winners will be announced on June 18.

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