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Heather has had the great opportunity to sit and chat with several fabulous writers regarding who she is as a person and the journey her faith and writing has taken her on. Below are links to her previous interviews, if you're looking to get to know Heather better feel free to dive right in. 

Interview with Lydia Cameron

"Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity to connect with former journalist and best-selling author, Heather Blanton. I was immediately impressed by her work. At that time, I knew Heather was talking to Hollywood, and I wasn’t certain she’d have time for an interview, but there was no hesitation in her reply. Heather graciously and promptly accepted the invitation. With that, it is my joy and privilege to introduce to you, Heather Blanton." -Lydia Cameron

Interview with Amanda Geaney

"I set 3 blogging goals for this year, with one being to step out of my reading comfort zone. Of all of the New Year’s resolutions I’ve set, I finally found one that I could keep! This year I’ve read several new-to-me authors and even ventured into a few new genres. 


"One such literary adventure came in April when I was introduced, through twitter, to Indie author Heather Blanton. Heather has written several Christian Western, including the Romance in the Rockies series. I had the pleasure of reviewing A Lady In Defiance (Romance In The Rockies: Book One) right here on Christian Shelf-Esteem." ~ Amanda Geaney

Interview with MeezCarrie

"I am very pleased to have author Heather Blanton with me on the blog today! A Promise in Defiance, the third book in Heather’s popular Romance in the Rockies series releases June 22nd, and we’re chatting about that as well as westerns and movie scripts and superpowers." ~Carrie


Interview with Interviews & Reviews

"Today we welcome author Heather Blanton. Heather is a former journalist,  an avid researcher and skillfully weaves truth in among fictional story lines. She loves exploring the American West, especially ghost towns and museums. She has walked parts of the Oregon Trail, ridden horses through the Rockies, climbed to the top of Independence Rock, and even held an outlaw's note in her hand."


Interview with Rebecca Nightsong

"Y’all know about my love of audiobooks, especially Heather Blanton’s. I am a writer. I love to exaggerate. But I am telling you the plain unvarnished truth when I say that my house would be a lot dirtier if it weren’t for Heather Blanton’s audio books.


So imagine how excited I got when I talked her into visiting my blog for an author interview! Lucky for me, she’s as sweet as she is feisty, so no arm-twisting was involved."~Rebecca


Interview with Savanna Kaiser

"Heather Blanton is the independent bestselling author of several Christian Westerns, including the Romance in the Rockies series, which has sold over 40,000 copies. Intrigued by the concept of three good sisters stranded in a lawless Colorado mining town, a few notable Hollywood producers have requested the script for her first book in that series, A Lady in Defiance. Heather’s writing is gritty and realistic. In fact, her books have been compared to AMC’s Hell on Wheels series, as well as the legendary Francine Rivers book, Redeeming love."~ Savanna


Interview with Cindy Thomson

Charles McIntyre Interview from Heather's Romance in the Rockies Series. 


"My name is Charles McIntyre and I used to be a bit of a scoundrel. Used to be? Does a man who has hoed the rows I have, ever really let go of his dark-side? I built the lawless, godless mining town of Defiance practically with my bare hands, using some pretty unsavory methods. A past like mine does not stay buried."~ Charles


Interview with Bree Heron

"Defiance—the word itself fits the Western Frontier. Men and Women were tough and lawless. Many were faithless, until now—introducing a series that not only brings faith to this wild land but also to the readers. Let Romance in the Rockies take you back in time, to a time of raw land, people and faith.

I had the privilege to chat with the word wrangling author herself, Heather Blanton. Heather’s wonderful character comes across in her books and in each conversation she has with a reader. I invite you to read my interview with Heather below."~Bree


Interview with Matilda

"Thank you so much for spending time with us and answering our pesky questions. Wishing you much luck and success. Our fingers are also crossed for hearing  good news on your script for A Lady in Defiance which you tell us  is in Brian Bird's hands. He is Michael Landon Jr's partner, if you don't know the name, and the the executive producer of When Calls the Heart on Hallmark, and has written/produced several well-respected, and award-winning movies. Please keep us posted!"



Interview with Christine Henderson

"My interview today is with Heather Blanton, a bestselling author of several Christian Westerns, including the Romance in the Rockies series, which has sold over 40,000 copies. She was drawn to writing Westerns because she grew up on a steady diet of Bonanza, Gunsmoke, and John Wayne movies.  She loves exploring the American West, especially ghost towns and museums. She has walked parts of the Oregon Trail, ridden horses through the Rockies, climbed to the top of Independence Rock, and even held an outlaw's note in her hand."~Christine 


Interview with eReaderGirl

"I’d like to introduce everyone to this week’s Author of the Week, Heather Blanton! Heather writes Christian Fiction, and her current series takes place in the Rockies. Click on any of the links in this post to check her out! Without further ado, let’s get to know Heather." 


Interview with Lena Nelson Dooley

"Today’s interview is with the author of book 6 in the Thanksgiving Books and Blessings series."~ Lena


Interview with Johnnie Alexander

Story Spark: A Promise in Defiance~ Johnnie


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