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Writer's pictureA Lady in Defiance

ONNO Bamboo, Hemp, and Organic Cotton T-Shirts #Giveaway #LadiesinDefiance #Sponsor

Day 3 of Giveaway Week is from ONNO T-Shirts!

It’s finally here! A Promise in Defiance releases on June 22nd 2016 and I am so excited! Yee-haw!!!

As a special THANK YOU to all my readers, we are having “Giveaway Week” to build up to the BIG day! A unique giveaway is being offered EVERY DAY so stop back often!!! So many awesome sponsors have jumped on board and are offering products for you to check out and possibly WIN!


Please check out ALL the other giveaways going on at my site. ———————————->



Logan Tillane carries a Bible in his hand, wears a gun on his hip, and fights for lost souls any way he can. Newly arrived in Defiance, though, he has trouble telling saints from sinners. The challenge only worsens when infamous madame Delilah Goodnight steps off the stage. She and the new preacher have opposite plans for the town. One wants to save it, one wants to lead it straight to hell.

Charles McIntyre has a new wife … and a ten-year-old half-breed son dropped on his doorstep. In a town as mean as Defiance, can he dare to love them both? If he tries, will the price be too high, even for him?

All Hannah wants is to marry the man of her dreams, the father of her child … and continue working as Doc Cook’s nurse. Can she have the best of both worlds, or will she have to choose one … and lose the other?

They can all count on one thing: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap … and the harvest is at hand in the wild, wild West.

The sequel to the bestsellers A Lady in Defiance and Hearts in Defiance!

You can read an excerpt from A Promise in Defiance here.

Right now A Lady in Defiance and Hearts in Defiance are both available on Kindle Unlimited for FREE. Load up your readers for summer now!!! You can order A Promise in Defiance here.


ONNO organic t-shirts

We’ve worked hard to make what we think is a pretty good t-shirt. All ONNO t-shirts are made from sustainable fibers: bamboo, hemp and organic cotton. ONNO t-shirts are made in work places we feel good about. ONNO purchases carbon offsets to balance the harm we do as we t-shirts from here to there.

Organic Cotton

Cotton and water. The two usually go hand in hand but organic cotton is usually rain-fed, not irrigated, so it uses a lot less water. Organic cotton, as you probably know, is grown without the use of pesticides and insecticides. How is this done? Farmers use composted manures and cover-crops to replace synthetic fertilizers. Innovative weeding strategies are used instead of herbicides. Beneficial insects and trap-crops are used to control pests. Nature’s frost and water inducement prepare plants for harvest, instead of using toxic defoliants. We like organic cotton. Read more about organic cotton.


Bamboo is a grass, and grows like a weed. In fact, it’s the fastest growing plant on the planet. It can grow up to three feet in a day. It doesn’t need help from pesticides or insecticides, and it usually grows on rain water. Just think of the strength, power and self-sufficiency of this crop. The Donald Trump of crops; the Bill Gates of the jungle. If all this excitement has you feeling faint, don’t worry, bamboo generates more oxygen than trees. We love the stuff. Read more about bamboo clothing..


Industrial hemp is also a grass and grows like a weed, because it is one. Like bamboo, it doesn’t need any help to thrive. It has no need for pesticides or insecticides, and it grows on rain water. Like bamboo, it offers superior performance compared to cotton: hemp fibers are more durable, provide better UV protection and wick moisture. (Please note that industrial hemp differs from its illegal cousin, marijuana, in that it contains almost no THC, the substance that gets you high). Until the late 1930s, hemp was widely grown and was America’s fiber of choice. Popular Mechanics, in February 1937, predicted hemp would be the world’s first “Billion Dollar Crop” that would support thousands of jobs and provide a vast array of consumer products from dynamite to plastics. Hemp is technically superior to cotton for fabric, trees for paper, and corn for biofuel. The first draft of our constitution was written on hemp paper, and George Washington grew hemp on his land. How did America come to favor cotton and trees over hemp, when hemp is superior in so many ways? To find out what happened, click here.

The Review

Literally, I can not wash these t-shirts often enough!

As soon as I wash these shirts and put them in the “to be put away clothes pile,” they never make it back into the closet. They are worn, I wash them, and they are worn again. My kids love these!

The sizes are suited for men and women and the shirts come in almost every color imaginable. You have not felt softer shirts EVER. They are so soft and seem to get softer as they are worn. The material is slightly heavier than “normal” t-shirt material which is more than fine with me. Most t-shirts nowadays are thin and get stretched out rather quickly. These shirts are slightly denser, I guess is the best word to describe them, which makes them hang better on the body and keep their shape better. They take slightly longer to dry after being washed because of the slighter thickness.

These are so wonderful. I love that they come from organic materials. When putting anything next to our bodies, it should be as natural and organic as possible. These shirts are the real deal!

A big thank you t ONNO for providing a free product for me to review.

The Giveaway

Thank you so much to Onno T-Shirts, and as a bonus, they have offered to giveaway a T-Shirt of choice to one lucky winner. Due to shipping costs, the winner must have a US address. Enter through the Rafflecopter link below:

The giveaways will run through June 30, 2016 and the winners will be announced on July 1.


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