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Writer's pictureA Lady in Defiance

JoLynn Lawson — the Modern Patriot Woman

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams-October 11, 1798

It’s not easy being red, white and blue. The mainstream media hate us. The Islamic Extremists hate us. The progressive liberals hate us. Hollywood hates us. Yet, we endure, and, lately, the numbers of patriots are even increasing. To us, America is a good thing. And the rising tide of threats to the way of life we have too often taken for granted is not going unnoticed. In fact, it is causing us to get off our couches, forego the quiet nights at home and get involved. Yes, actually do something political. BJ Lawson and his wife JoLynn, making their second attempt at unseating Congressman David Price, feel that there is an entirely different mood in the country this time. In fact, JoLynn feels like the wind is at their backs. “We have lots of people who have joined the campaign who have always been Democrats, always been Republicans. They have left both parties and now are independent.” Politicians in Washington have forgotten who brung’em to the dance and are getting slapped cross-eyed for their rude behavior. Americans don’t like being jilted. In fact, we’ve never taken that well. You know, a woman scorned and all that. Makes us give the next fella a harder look. JoLynn believes voters are researching more, carefully scrutinizing candidates and deciding with purpose upon whom to spend their time and money. BJ Lawson seems to be passing muster. “When we ran the campaign in 2008,” she says, “we were fighting more of an uphill battle. It was an education. The campaign passed out copies of the constitution which was a unique thing. People were not talking about it then. We passed out 50,000 copies and it was a great opening for a conversation. It allowed a lot of people to let their guard down, in relation to whether they were a Republican or a Democrat, and just talk about what makes America great. This year, people remember that about BJ and about the campaign and we’ve passed out a lot more.” They pass out copies of the constitution. How novel. But throwing his hat into the ring has caused Lawson’s family to embark on a difficult journey. The media have scrutinized him, his speeches, and his family, and gone over their background with a fine tooth comb. There is no room for even a single misstep. Is the pressure worth it? Is the fight for liberty worth throwing everything about yourself under a microscope? JoLynn doesn’t hesitate to answer. “BJ and I feel strongly that if principled people don’t get involved o advance a message of truth, work to follow the Constitution, and strive to live up to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence we will lose the very country that our forefathers fought and died to give us.” Every citizen of America has a part to play in preserving the Republic. Some may give their lives. Some will only be asked to give their time. But we must give something if we want the country to survive a wave of socialist policies. “We want to do our part,” says JoLynn, “to see if we can’t turn this ship in the right direction. I really do believe that the people who care about America and the founding principles were quiet, but they ‘re not willing to be quiet anymore.” She sighs and adds, almost as an afterthought, “It’s an uphill battle against the media.” Our history, however, is filled with stories of uphill battles that turned into landslides of victories. Patriots fight and win; that’s the American Way.

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