For the Love of Boaz, Ben, and Bonanza
Carolina Homecoming, my newest release, is based loosely on the book of Ruth. Much as I adore this story, I suddenly questioned why is it even in the Bible?

I'd never really thought about it. Hence, I did a little more reading.
I knew that Ruth and Boaz are a generation in Jesus' bloodline. THAT'S important. Also, Ruth is a profound example of love, loyalty, and selflessness. Furthermore, you can argue the story is a glimpse of the coming Messiah in the way Boaz redeems Ruth and adopts her into his family and into his people.
I don't argue with any of that. But I think there are a few other things to see in this story--one admittedly tainted by my love for Bonanza.
Before you start laughing, walk with me across the Ponderosa. Ben Cartwright was a Godly man. He had wealth, power, influence. Yet he was humble and kind. He had land and servants (ranch hands), but he cared about his neighbors, had a reputation for honesty, and was admired by folks. He was strong, steady, and wise. In my opinion, one very sexy rancher.
When I was old enough to read the story of Ruth and Boaz, I immediately decided farmers could be sexy, too.

Of course, I couldn't articulate well what I liked about Ben and Boaz when I was young. Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize what great catches they are. If I had a daughter, I would encourage her to find her Boaz. As it is, I have sons and I pray they will become a Boaz in their own right.
If you pick up a copy of Carolina Homecoming, I hope you'll tell me what you think about my Southern farmer based on the Bible protagonist. I think he's quite the catch.
Get it while it's still at the pre-order price of only $.99!