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I Can See Sarah Palin in the White House, But…

With the debut of her now show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska, I thought I’d weigh in on the side of folks who like Sarah. There are quite a few of us, though the mainstream media and Republican party elites would have you think otherwise. “But could she be president?” I find myself wondering.

I, for one, hold Sarah in high regard. I can’t help myself. The two of us have too much in common. I enjoy a lazy, Sunday afternoon of shooting. The bigger the gun, the bigger the fun! A country girl, I have been looked down upon because I’m from the mountains of Western North Carolina (therefore I must be inbred and illiterate). I’ve been treated poorly simply because I am female (and being blonde clearly didn’t help). I’ve been heckled for supporting the Tea Party. A firm Christian, I’ve watched my faith get steam-rolled under the pavement of political correctness. I am an unswerving pro-lifer for very personal reasons. I think no law or person should usurp authority granted by the United States Constitution. Free enterprise should be carefully, thoughtfully regulated. Taxes should be lower. Our military stronger. And I never give up.

You get the picture. Seeing all these similarities between Sarah and myself, I can’t help but wonder how I would feel if she did decide to run for the highest office in the land. From my puny, human perspective, I don’t think she’s the best choice. Not from any perceived weaknesses, mind you. After her “education” in the campaign of ‘08, she has obviously learned a lot. I’d be shocked if she ever has another interview like the Katie Couric debacle. The left has used up their aces when it comes to Sarah. After suffering through a reputation evisceration that even struck at her infant son, I believe she’s ready for anything now. As my daddy would say, she is tougher than lighter knot. For you non-Southerners, lighter knot is the heart of an oak. It is so hard you can’t drive a nail through it, and once lit, it will burn for days.

Still, I don’t think she’s the chosen one. If the Republican Party and the Tea Partiers could pull their acts together, literally, I can’t think of one reason why Allen West wouldn’t work. Allen B. West is the U.S. Representative-elect for Florida’s 22nd congressional district and he is a retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel. America has always done well when we’ve had retired military in the White House. I offer as proof George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower. Oh, and he’s black. I guess us Tea Partiers aren’t so racist after all.

But what if Sarah was nominated to run? The bottom line for me is, if God calls her, he’ll equip her. I’ll pray for her and I will support her. Sarah definitely has gifts and talents and I believe she’ll use them to the benefit of our country. I just don’t think she’ll do so from the Oval Office.

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